Hi. Welcome to the Fairview Baptist Church website. We're glad you're exploring faith and community.

We're aware that in many ways a church's online space is like a virtual front door, and you might notice that our front door is under renovation! We invite you to visit on a Sunday (the old fashioned, pre-pandemic way); that's when our church community is gathered to worship God and enjoy one another, and that's when we put our best foot forward. We gather from all over the city and the Lower Mainland, and so we tend to linger after our worship for fellowship and conversation. We'd love to enfold you in our community.

Fairview is currently in a season of transition following the departure of our most recent pastor (April 2022), and we are taking advantage of this natural pause to discern together how God is inviting us and what the next season might look like for our church. We're doing that through prayerful reflection and conversation together. Once we have a sense of what's next, we'll begin the search for a new pastor.

Some of our values we're noticing right now are:

  • enjoying each other's company and caring for each other
  • making room for each other, even in our differences
  • gathering informally and interactively
  • participating actively in community life and not coming as consumers

If you're wondering if Fairview might be a community that you could call home, or if you have questions, we encourage you to email our general church address: fairviewbaptistvancouver@gmail.com

We look forward to meeting you and to sharing in the joy of following Jesus!

The People of Fairview Baptist Church